Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Art of Writing...

I know I am a good writer. I write... well. If I can put 'pen to paper' that is, or in this age, 'fingers to keyboard'. When I write I get an immense satisfaction and wave of creative reward that is hard to duplicate with other activities. Yet despite this, sometimes, I just don't write. It annoys me. It hangs on my mind, and makes it all so much worse. Writers ARE their own worst enemy.

Writer's Block? I guess that can come in the form of not knowing WHAT to write. THAT is never my problem. Sometimes I feel I have too much in my head to get started. Almost like trying to stuff too much through a small hole, you end up getting nothing through. The obvious solution is to slow down, and just start. Start small, a trickle, let the flow build until your momentum builds. Do small projects to develop good writing habits. Blog, short stories, even chat to friends on messenger. Anything to get your fingers moving.

Take notes. Keep track of ideas. Review. Start...
Make decisions, take action. Do... and keep doing.

hmmm kettle is boiled I think I will take a break.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben, It's Beke. I agree so much! I find that I have so much that I want to get down and then a look at paper (or screen) and I just can't get anything down! I will be remembering your tips as I think I might get back to my book soon. Thanks xx
